The cocopata class is a bridge of "living refreshingly" for physical and mental health! We offer a program to self-select happiness, and hold courses and individual sessions that are carefully close to you. We offer a wide range of information, from simple and simple self-care that anyone can use on a daily basis, to learning to live in your true self in the depths of your heart.

Touch for Health Online Free Trial Schedule



5月25日 月曜日 午後13時30分
  26日 火曜日 午後13時30分

  27日 水曜日 午後13時30分

28日 木曜日 夜20時

29日 金曜日  夜20時

ココパタ健康ラボは地球🌏We are working towards the ex-ki and happiness of all the creatures of Mr.

