The cocopata class is a bridge of "living refreshingly" for physical and mental health! We offer a program to self-select happiness, and hold courses and individual sessions that are carefully close to you. We offer a wide range of information, from simple and simple self-care that anyone can use on a daily basis, to learning to live in your true self in the depths of your heart.


Bali's presentation was a great success.❣Offers from Shanghai❣

I decided to give a presentation at the World Kinesiology Convention in Bali and spent 1 year and 4 months preparing for it. This is my presentation of English proficiency at the first grade level of junior high school ^ – ^ Where English proficiency is lacking, I devised a PowerPoint so that you can see and understand it with supplementary eyes. We have prepared 40 copies of the printed material for all pages. By the day before, we had distributed it to participants from many countries along with tea candy from Shizuoka. While looking at the materials, an Indonesian woman practiced her pronunciation. He also gave me a mango. Team Shizuoka's Keiko-chan! Mai-chan taught me how to pronounce F... On the morning of the day of the presentation, I asked Keiko-chan questions about things she didn't understand in English pronunciation, and I was disappointed. During my lunch break the day before, I did a loud reversal by myself at the venue where I was presenting, when no one was there. It seems that the exam was being held in the next room, and a woman with brontal hair came to tell me to be quiet.😅The content I wanted to convey overflowed until just before the presentation, and I asked the interpreter Kayoko to correct it in English. The Touch for Health that Keiko-chan shared with me before is the same as breathing... I wanted to tell you. And what Dr. John Sea has brought out into the world is also new. I typed that sentence into PowerPoint during my lunch break. And after that, I've practiced a lot... You just have to do your best. Start of live streaming on Facebook❣I bowed deeply to everyone who came to the venue to listen to my presentation, and I bowed deeply to my colleagues. And so the presentation began. Introduce yourself and record seniors and junior high school students using simple techniques of Touch for Health! We started talking about a five-year record using 14 muscle exercises. Hometown... When I showed a video of the 14-muscle gymnastics exercises of my mother, my friends, and my friends in Maizuru, everyone at the venue watched with warm smiles. And last year's 14-muscle gymnastics by Mr. Ishimaru of Balançathon was also full of laughter. My mom is 87 years old and uses Touch for Health. Elderly people in the community gather at my mother's house to exercise in Genki. Right now, my instructor's sister Naomi-chan is following me. Junior high school teacher! I told you the miracle story of how Makchan and the members of the soccer club used Touch for Health to perform a miracle and beat the winning team in a P K match. I told him that it is Dr. John Sea's hope that the elderly and children are healthy and happy. At the end, we watched a video of Yoko and her baby having a baby using Touch for Health. The record will be published in Hungary. I hadn't been able to practice my speech for the English sentences I added later, so I asked everyone to read the sentences projected on the projector. I could feel that the closing words were connected to everyone at the John Sea venue. At the end, Keiko-chan translated the names of the meridians, and everyone at the venue and 14 muscle gymnastics ~~ Matthew and Ishimaru Sensei came to the front and livened up the atmosphere. Dr. Ishimaru also interpreted the names of the meridians in a loud voice. The presentation of Bali has ended. He thanked Matthew and hugged me.❣Mr. Ishimaru and a hug❣A hug with A-chan❣And Team Shizuoka who brought me to Bali! I hugged Keiko-chan. Thank you very much Keiko-chan I still cry when I write this sentence. At the venue in Indonesia, the woman who took care of me and always put on Ki gave me a gift of a beautiful cloth to wrap around my body. It is a memento. It was a very warm hug. While I was cleaning up, Matthew came and gave me a speech about John Shee and thanked me and thanked me. He gave me a hug. Amy, a Chinese faculty member, has been watching the presentation all the time and recording videos of the mothers on her smartphone. And you practiced a lot.❣He said. Toshie's speech is a record of utilizing Touch for Health in everyday life! and commented on the live stream. End of live stream! Keiko-chan greeted the Japanese people and many of her friends joined the stream together and waved to us. And can Amy teach this video to a Chinese instructor? I was offered to give a presentation at the world conference to be held in Shanghai, China next year. I'm surprised‼The great people of IKC who watched the presentation introduced us to unique people who wear costumes and do 14 muscle exercises. I am well aware that English proficiency at the level of a first grader in junior high school is a vessel. Everyone in the room supported my English ability. And the warm cheers of Team Shizuoka's teammates❣Thank you very much to my mother in my hometown for the delicious umeboshi of Okkei-san, my elderly friends in the Tomi-chan area of my sister Naomi-chan's aunt, my junior high school teacher, the members of the Macchan soccer team, and everyone who read this long record to the end. This is where it all starts again. Shanghai in China one year later, I will challenge myself to improve my Hungarian English skills two years later. Dr. John Sea's love of Work Touch for Health will continue to spread forever. At its root is love.❣I have to get it done by Professor Ishimaru a year and a few months ago! I received words of encouragement. And my soul started moving. I finished my presentation in Bali. LanguageThis page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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My presentation of the World Kinesiology Convention in Bali LanguageThis page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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World Kinesiology Tournament in Bali LanguageThis page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Touch for Health's fellow house is a typhoon flooded on the floor!


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Touch for Health is loved in more than 110 countries around the world❣

タッチフォーヘルスは世界110カ国以上で愛される家庭の健康法です^^ブラジル国籍の方が公式クラスを学びたいとおっしゃっています本日体験会に参加してくださいました3人のブラジル国籍の皆さん目をクリクリされているそして身体の痛みが改善!面白い事が起こっています🍒🌱🍒🌱LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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Touch for Health Official Class! Impressions of volunteer participation❣

公式クラスにボランティア参加してくださいました山中圭子さんのコメントです。いつも細かく私や受講者さんの観察をしていただき文章にまとめていただけ有難いです。以下山中さんのコメントです。🍒🌱🍒🌱昨日はありがとうございました。施術側に立つと、何もかもをマスターしたくなるタイプなので、どんなものであれ、なるべく施術側には立たないようにしていますが、このボランティアでは両方をするので、やってもらう側と、やる側の感覚の違いを理解でき、とても興味深いです。私の中にある様々な知識と、現実に起きているタッチフォーヘルスの「不思議な関係」が、私の中でひつとになってきています。想定していた通りの理論と実践ですが、腑に落ちてきたという感覚かな(^^)東洋の根治療法の理論が、西洋の現実主義の医学知識と絡み合い、ちょっとは無理があるけれど、現代人が理解しやすく、もっとも単純化されたシンプルな手法として普及しているのは、素晴らしいことだと思います。としえさんも、紆余曲折の末にたどり着いた「教え方」なのかもしれないけれど、とてもわかりやすく楽しく説明してくださるので、理論的な基礎知識がない方にもスッと入る「家庭の医学」になっているのだと思います。また時間があれば伺いますね。錆びついている私の「中医学知識」も、少しずつ磨かれてますから(^^)圭子さんいつも有難うございます。レベル2もお待ちしております。💕💕💕💕LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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Touch for Health Official Class Is A Creature❣

浜松市えみりんと愉快な仲間達とのタッチフォーヘルス公式クラスレベル1後半クラスは生き物その場に集まってくださいました全ての仲間の皆さんのシェアで成長する事も沢山あります私はとても学べた1日でした。そして美味しいえみりんとちよちゃん手作りのお昼ごはん有難いボランティア参加された方が公式クラスの受講を決めてくださいます幸せだなぁ🌱🍒🥰レベル2の日程も決まってますよ🥰🥰🥰🥰LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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The way of looking at things!

ものの見方!5年ほど前になる。私のココパタ教室に1組のご夫婦が通ってくださっていた。 物忘れがひどくなられたご主人を奥様が自動車に乗せて通っておられた。奥様のお名前はYちゃん!ご主人様はTさん!Tさんは自らお話しする事は殆ど出来なかったでも仲間と笑っり、体操する事で表情が豊かになり笑顔も見られた。Yちゃんは体操の時もいつもTさんを気にした。Yちゃんからは自分が楽しんでいる様子は見受けられなかった。Yちゃんはいつも自分のことを責めていた。以前にYちゃんが少し目を離した隙にTさんが1人で家の外に出てしまい居なくなった。そのことでいつも自分を責めていた。Yちゃんが心から笑うところを私は見たことがなかったと思う。残念ながらTさんの症状が悪化してしまいこのご夫婦は私の教室に来られなくなってしまった。そしてYちゃんは徐々に物忘れがひどくなっていかれた。買い物に行っても同じ品物ばかり買ってしまうようになった。3年ほど前スーパーであったの最後にYちゃんと会う事はなかった。そして昨日Yちゃんと再会した。Yちゃんはとても元気な笑顔で私を迎えてくれた。あっけらかんとした顔で私はほんのちょっと前のことも覚えていないの!って話してくれた。お嫁さんの話によると干して数分後の洗濯物を取り込んでしまうと言う。庭先の柿の木になっているまだ青い渋い柿を全て獲って食べてしまう。2年前にご主人のTさんが亡くなったことも時々忘れてしまう。それでも私は思うこんな素敵な笑顔のYちゃんに会えるなんて思いもよらなかった。Yちゃん自身も言う。私すぐに忘れちゃうけどとても楽しいの!ご主人が亡くなり犬を飼われるようになった。その犬を大切に抱っこしながら元気に笑うYちゃん!ものの見方は様々!この兎🐇さんのように様々な方向からのものの見方があると思う。幸せはその人自身が決める!その人の中にある!Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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タッチフォーヘルスと日向ぼっこ目の日向ぼっこは大好きなエクササイズの1つです😊今朝は少し秋らしい風が吹いていてとても優しいお日様が東の空から登ってくださいました。光のシャワーをまぶたを閉じて目にいただきながら素足になって身体全体で日光浴をしました。網膜や血液が流れている事も感じてみました。頭全体がオレンジがかった赤色に染まり最高に氣持ちが良いです。そしてその流れで私の進みたいと考えているビジョンも頭に思い描いてみました。リアルに頭に思い浮かべることができます。そのまま声に出して目標設定の言葉を宣言しました。お日様のエネルギーを目や身体全体にいただく。今日1日を素敵に過ごせます。🍒🌱🍒🌱LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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