The cocopata class is a bridge of "living refreshingly" for physical and mental health! We offer a program to self-select happiness, and hold courses and individual sessions that are carefully close to you. We offer a wide range of information, from simple and simple self-care that anyone can use on a daily basis, to learning to live in your true self in the depths of your heart.

Today is the COCOPA to exercise cost asses

毎月開催しているココパタ運動ひろば本日は告知が遅くなり…それでもやっちゃん!そのちゃん!くみちゃんが元氣に参加してくれましたそして1時間、氣持ち身体を動かしたそのちゃんとくみちゃんはココパタ運動ひろばに参加できるのはやっちゃんが送り迎えをしてくれるからととても喜んでおられます私もやっちゃんに感謝です🌱🌱🌱🌱In the end always 14 muscle exercises☺☺☺☺LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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COCOPA to exercise cost asses

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Kokopata movement Hiroba becomes Motoki

Kokopata exercise Hiroba After two weeks without adjusting the schedule, friends gather and support each other with touch-for-health, move the body pleasantly with rafter yoga, tea ceremony body and heart lightened by the doll ware that Yat-chan brought me and I will meet after two weeks with a refreshing smile(((o(*°: ° *)o)))♡Today's laughing party in Shizuoka🤣LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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ココパタ運動ひろば浜松市からとっこちゃんも来てくれておーちゃんのリードも絶好調~~(((o(*°: ° *)o)))♡ココパタ運動ひろばは自分自身で元氣になる体操教室です🌈🌈🌈🌈LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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