The cocopata class is a bridge of "living refreshingly" for physical and mental health! We offer a program to self-select happiness, and hold courses and individual sessions that are carefully close to you. We offer a wide range of information, from simple and simple self-care that anyone can use on a daily basis, to learning to live in your true self in the depths of your heart.

Touch for health, Zen counseling free sessions in Gamagori-Shi

Touch for health, Zen counseling free sessions
While you are driving to Gamagori-Shi
Atsuko OTO and I to went to meet

Atsuko OTO, I will always post on Facebook

I wanted to experience the sea in real... So

I went

Atsuko OTO's I the sea home

Messed up feels good


Atsuko OTO's got of balance the numbness of extremities

Right... Changing the numbness

I think stress and stronger numbness

With the simple technique of touch for health

Flow stress and...

Numbness can be lightly


In a number of changes to 3 10 numb

And your mind


Atsuko OTO me hand in hand and it is

Please become a touch for friends

To the West of Shizuoka more buddies to Gamagori

If the sum of the touch for health Associates

Go spread

My grass-roots activity is still

Followed by

From fun

That's it.